What is .technology Domain? |
Technology domain name means: technology; technology; terminology
The Advantages of .technology Domain: 1. .technology helps you get out of the mess situation of current domain registration; 2. .technology is the only international domain specially for on-line business;
3. With the most advanced technology, .technology guarantees the safety of your internet address; 4. .technology shows that you are a professional business man. |
Price: $ 6.8 / yr
Registering any domain here, get G level mobile mail box with discount price. |
Example: todayisp.technology | greencn.technology |
Registration Rules: |
1. Only English letters (A-Z, not case sensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (English conjunctions, that is, the middle horizontal line) are provided, and spaces, that is, special characters (such as:!, $, &,?) cannot be used.
2. "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end.
3. Individual domain name minimum 1 character, generally minimum 2 characters, maximum 63 characters.
4. Note: Chinese domain name is actually registered after transcoding.