.jp domain is the top domain from Japan. |
$ 101.99 / yr
Registering any domain here, get G level mobile mail box with discount price. |
Example: todayisp.jp | greencn.jp |
Registration Rules: |
1)Who can register jp domain? What’s the special registration requirements when register the jp domain?
There is no limited to register jp domain, individual or business may be registered in any country.
Please refer to the domain name registration requirements together.
2)How long is the jp domain name? What is the registration rules?
Minimum 3 characters, up to 63 characters
Only provide English letters(a-z, Not cAsE sEnSiTiVe) 、number(0-9) 、and “-“(The conjunction in English, the horizontal line) Can't use Spaces and special characters (such as! 、$、&、? etc.) “-“ can’t be the beginning and ending.
3)What’s the deadline for registration?
Register expiration from 1 to 2 years.
4)How to register the de domain?
Through our registered can immediately take effect.
5)What’s the deadline for renewal?
Register expiration from 1 to 2years.
6)What’s the jp domain renewal grace period? What to do with domain renewal?
Jp domain renewal grace period is 10 days, our company registered domain name can be in the background for renewal effect
7)Does de domain have redemption grace period?
Yes , it does. jp domain’s redemption grace period is 30 days.
8)How long can the expired and no longer renewal of the domain name be public registration again?
When jp domain name after expired, it will be through the life cycle:- 30 days grace period- No redemption grace period- Without waiting for delete.
If the partners not renewal or restore domain name, it will in due date of about 40 days of the public to register. Attention please, Domain name registration again, should follow the principle of first come first served.
9)Can turn into kr domain name? How to turn in?
Yes, jp domain can turn into. Attention please, Domain name will be completed after the transfer will extend the validity of the 1 year. |
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