.MN is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Mongolia. It is administered by Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the first syllable of the country name.
The U.S. state of Minnesota also makes limited use of the domain, such as mapping www.leg.state.mn.us, the site for the Minnesota State Legislature, to www.leg.mn with a CNAME record.
The registry doesn't generally require specific second-level domains. As of 2006, the registry doesn't yet support Internationalized domain names.
The .MN domain name is becoming more popular in Minnesota, but it still is not widely recognized. The .MN domain in Minnesota is used primarily as a 'clever' domain name like vita.mn (a play on vitamin), or for location specific sites like apartments.mn.
The Advantages of .MN Domain:
.MN is open to individuals and enterprises and can be understood as the short form of Mongolia or Minnesota.
Price: $ 193.56 / yr
Registering any domain here, get G level mobile mail box with discount price. |
Example: todayisp.mn | greencn.mn |
Registration Rules: |
1. Only English letters (A-Z, not case sensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (English conjunctions, that is, the middle horizontal line) are provided, and spaces, that is, special characters (such as:!, $, &,?) cannot be used.
2. "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end.
3. Individual domain name minimum 1 character, generally minimum 2 characters, maximum 63 characters.
4. Note: Chinese domain name is actually registered after transcoding.